Hur man vet att man är ett twi-fan!

Lånade denhär listan av den har ni säkert sätt förut.. Jag har det iaf..
Men hur många punkter prickar ni av på listan?!
De punkter som jag markerat med "fet" är dom som stämmer på mig!

10.Whenever you hear the name Edward, you're heart goes all fluttery and you get really excited.

9. Whenever you hear thunder, the first thing you think of is vampire baseball.

8. You won't put anything on top of your Twilight Saga- they're far too precious.

7. You find yourself running through the rain just to read the next chapter of Twilight.

6. If you're blond, you try to die your hair brown to become a brunette (Edward prefers brunettes...)

5. You talk about it so much that you make up your own sign laguage because your throat is getting sore.

4. By printing off EVERY Twilight related photo that you can find, you get through two packs of printer paper. A day.

3. You read the newspaper every morning JUST because you saw a picture of Rob in there. Once. A year last Tuesday.

2. You buy a magazine just because it might have one word about Twilight, New Moon or Robert Pattinson.

1. Every other word that comes out of your mouth is Twilight related. So much so that your non-twilighter friend now just rolls her eyes and goes blank after every "Twilight" or "Edward"...

Oj, jag var inte så twilight:ig...
Fast ni gillar väl mig i allfall?

Postat av: line

ojsan, 6punkter stämde in på mig.. (a)

2009-08-19 @ 11:17:26
Postat av: The Girl With Blue Eyes

haha väldigt myk stämde på mig XDXD haha nästan alltför myk XD

xoxo The Girl With Blue Eyes

2009-08-19 @ 13:29:38
Postat av: line

ja det får man;)

10, 8, 7, 5, 2, 1 haha dessa sex!:D

2009-08-20 @ 12:00:53

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