Emily Young!

Tinsel Korey är tjejen/kvinnan som ska spela Emeily, Sams fästmö och såhär svarade hon i en interviuv!

Have you read the Twilight Saga books? If yes, which book is your favorite and why?
I have read New Moon, and I'm reading Eclipse right now. I also own Breaking Dawn. I'll have to get back to you on which one is my favorite.

How would you describe your vision of Emily Young?
Oh god, I don't think I'm allowed to right a novel for this interview. Lol. So let me summarize in one sentence. She's a survivor, the heart and soul of the team, when they're down she brings them up. She's the one you want to have in your corner.

[Läs mer av intervuin här]

Ser hon ut som "er" Emily?

Postat av: Emma Cullen

Hon ser inte ut som "min" Emily...

2009-07-28 @ 15:17:34
URL: http://emaaab.blogg.se/
Postat av: Zusanna

hon ser inte ut som min heller... absolut INTE!

hon skulle väl vara hur vacker som helst? :O

2009-07-28 @ 22:53:13
URL: http://zusannas.blogg.se/
Postat av: Twifans<3

Jag tycker verkligen att hon passar (:

2009-07-30 @ 16:48:54
URL: http://twifans.blogg.se/

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