Kellan undercover!

Tror ni att ni hade upptäckt honom?
'I stared in shock as he called our names informally, as if we were old friends dropping in for an unexpected visit.
He turne to our hulking escort. "Felix, be a dear and tell my brothers about our company. I'm sure they wouldn't want to miss this."
"Yes, Master." Felix nodded and disappeared back the way we had come.
"You see, Edward?" The strange wampire turned and smiled at Edward like a fond but scolding grandfather. "What did I tell you? Aren't you glad that I didn't give you what you wanted yesterday?"
"Yes, Aro, I am," he agreed, tightening his arm around my waist.
"I love a happy ending." Aro sighed. "They are so rare. But I want the whole story. How did this happen? Alice?" He turned to gaze at Alice with curious, misty eyes.'
There you go ;D
Är det inte Cam? eller?
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