Missing pictures

En sak som jag missade i New Moon var att man inte fick se så mycket om hur Edward tog bort bilderna och gömde dem...
Twifans har koll på sånt där ;) Kolla vad de skrev!

"Many fans have expressed that the scene with Edward in Bellas before the break-up lacked what happened in the book. We know that he takes Bellas pictures and hides them. But if you closely look during the pivotal scene of Bella in the rocking chair-you see squares on the walls where pictures once hung. You see how pictures of her friends from school are all the are left around. In the very beginning of the movie when Charlie gives Bella her bday presents, you see a few pictures taped to the wall on the side of her bed. As well as a picture of her and Edward on one of her portraits hanging. >And later in the movie you see a few of them missing. If anyone gets their hands on a still(s) from that pivotal scene-please let me know."

Någon som redan lagt märket till allt det här?


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