Quotes of the day!
ÄLskar denhär scenen. Jag blev helt varm i bröstet och ville inget annat än att leeee.. det stora Ida-smile som jag är känd för. (inget vackert smile, men det är stooort)
It took less than half a second for me to realize that, as long as I was truly insane now, I might as well enjoy the delusions while they were pleasant. (Bella)
I’m dead, right? I did drown. Crap, crap, crap! This is gonna kill Charlie. (Bella)
If I was in hell, you wouldn’t be with me. (Bella)
You should probably know that I’m breaking the rules right now. Well, not technically, since he said I was never to walk through his door again, and I came in the window… But, still, the intent was clear. (Edward)
// Ida!