Go "The Host"!

Våran egen S.Meyer har uppdaterat sin hemsida! Yey!
På sidan skriver hon att hon ser fram emot att The Host blir film! YEY!
Okej, ärligt så längtar jag nästan mer till The Host än till New Moon, ahhhh, kan knappt bärga mig!
Så här skrev hon på sin sida:

"September 23, 2009 Hey guys, great news! The Host is on its way to the big screen:
Variety.com: "Twilight's Meyer..."

I'm so excited to be working with Nick Weschler, and Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz to bring The Host to a visual format. They've all been a dream to work with, so lovely and collaborative, and I feel like we're in a really good place to make a great movie together. And then to have Andrew Niccol writing and directing? Truly awesome. If you've never seen Gattaca, go watch it now. One of my favorite movies of all time. It's such a great example of character driven science fiction, which is ideal for The Host, no? I'm having an absolute blast imagining different dream casts, which I would post if people didn't take my silly blogs so seriously these days. I'm looking forward to seeing the cast lists you come up with in the fansite forums, and if any of them match mine.

So, very exciting. Yay Host!

XO Steph"

Någon annan än jag som snart inte klarar av dessa känslor av längtan dag ut och dag in?
Först längtar man efter New Moon, sen Eclipse, The Host, Breaking Dawn och alla smaskiga trailers emellan! Det blir för mycket att längta efter. JAG VILL HA NU!


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