Intervju med Edi :P
Edi Gathegi pratar med Radar Online om New Moon :)
Gathegi: I saw it happen gradually but it’s still pretty phenomenal. The best way I can describe it is he was 16 when he started lifting and he gained 30 pounds, so basically God said, “This is your role. This is what I’m going to give your body. I’m going to allow your body to be able to do this because this is your destiny.”

Radar: What do you think about Taylor? He is pretty much the buffest man around.
Gathegi: I saw it happen gradually but it’s still pretty phenomenal. The best way I can describe it is he was 16 when he started lifting and he gained 30 pounds, so basically God said, “This is your role. This is what I’m going to give your body. I’m going to allow your body to be able to do this because this is your destiny.”
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"This is nothing personal, let me assure you, Bella. Just thirst." - Laurent i New Moon