Before Bella!

Hitta denhär hos TwilightSweden och det är tydligen ett fan som gjort denhär videon.. ITS AWSOME!

How long have you been like this?
Since 1918.

Description: Edward Cullen is taken back to a secret in his past life. He has had the memories of Evelyn Faye locked away in the dark corners of his mind for so long, yet they are all so vivid.

Edward was reborn when he was turned into a vampire, but with that rebirth there was also the death of his ability to love. Scarred by the loss of Eve, Edward was not able to feel love again for 89 years. That all changed when he met Bella Swan. We all know the captivating story that is of Twilight. This is the trailer which will take you back to Edward’s story in 1918.

Blir man inte sugen på att få se en film som handlar om honom INNAN Bella kom in i bilden?!

// Ida

Postat av: Julia

Ja, nu blev jag sugen på en sån film! Damn you Ida!

2010-01-22 @ 20:57:09
Postat av: Dannii

Man får verkligen lust och se den! Men jag kan verkligen inte tänka mig att Edward älskade någon före Bella...

2010-01-23 @ 14:32:00

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