Interview with the vampire: Alice!
I en intervju med, berättar Ashely Green om Eclipse och Taylor Lautner!

Have you been given the chance to see any part of Eclipse yet?
I just did ADR a couple of days ago, actually, so I got to see some of the film. I was with [director] David Slade, and when I was doing ADR, I of course asked if I could see the whole scene played out so I could see something! It looks so good. I’m so excited.
You got to tear off a vampire’s head in Twilight and face off with the Volturi in New Moon. What can you tell us about the things you get to do in Eclipse, which we know from the book will have more of a fighting element?
The thing I’ll say about Twilight is, one, it’s given me this Hollywood crash course and I’ve been able to work with three great directors. And also, my character is an incredible character to break out with because she’s perky and happy and sweet, and she’s this best friend character that everybody loves, so it’s an amazing first character to have. Throughout the series you’ve gotten to see her go from really sweet to kind of sassy, and now in the third one we get to showcase this massive fight sequence that I’m a part of, so we got to get our action star fix. You get to see Alice get kind of down and dirty and see a really intense side of her that maybe you haven’t seen before.
In New Moon your scenes with Taylor seemed to have more of a snap, perhaps because you’d gotten to know each other better after Twilight and could riff of each other more, and also because your characters would love to rip each other’s head off in their scenes together. Do we get to see more of that banter and repartee with Taylor in Eclipse?
Those scenes are really fun to film! You know, they always say that the nicest people can play the meanest characters. I remember someone saying in an interview that Rachel McAdams was the sweetest girl, and she played this awful, mean character in Mean Girls. I think it’s the same thing with Taylor. He’s so sweet, I can look at him and be mean to him onscreen or have a fight with him and know that he’s not going to take it personally, so we definitely got to play off each other a little bit.
Vad jag önskar att jag fått vara med i filmerna..
Om ni fick vara med i filmerna, vem skulle ni velat spela (förutom Bella - Edward - Jacob)
// Ida
Vem jag skulle velat spela i filmerna? Det skulle isåfall vara någon av de karaktärer som jag inte tycker spelas tillräckligt bra nu. Jag är t.ex. inte så jätteförtjust i Kristen som Bella, så där skulle jag lätt kunna ta över! :D
Däremot skulle jag aldrig vilja ta över rollen från Ashley, Peter eller Taylor! De som är som gjorda för rollerna vill man ju självklart ha kvar!
Jag skulle ha spelat.. Alice!
För det första, så verkar det så coolt och spela henne, speciellt i new moon :D Och så har jag en liten crush på Jasper/Jackson, så aa.. ;)